With all the stress in the
air, we were able to conclude the week with lots of fun activities! On Friday
after dinner, there was a water balloon fight outside of Steuben with both
students and peer mentors participating. This fight eventually became girls versus
boys and with the shortage of water bottles, everyone ended up using water
bottles and containers.
Welcome to our blog! We hope to keep you updated on everything happening in our little corner of SUNY Geneseo. Our staff and students are constantly getting involved in new and fun events, trips, programs and other innovative activities. We'll tell you all about them here.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Saturday Bowling - Cindy Lin
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Housekeeping and Getting Binders Ready! – Michelle Mundt
Today the team quickly organized over 140 binders and rooms,
as well as decorated hallways, preparing them for the new students who come
tomorrow. Just like Angelique Santiago, I am a Peer Tutor and I am super pumped
to work with the incoming students! Specifically, I will be working with the
INTD 170 students, but feel free to come to me with any questions or concerns.
I know that some students may feel nervous or apprehensive about classes or
just the simple fact of having to make new friends. I want you to know that
this is perfectly normal—all of the Peer Tutors went through the same thing! Don’t
worry. The Peer Tutors are here to help you in your classes and to adjust to
college. If classes are giving you trouble, you have a plethora of available
resources at your finger tips. For one thing, you could go to your Peer Tutor,
during their office hours. Peer Tutors have already taken the class that you
are taking and they know their material inside and out. Another source would be your professor’s
office hours. Professors can seem intimidating at first, however, I’ve
personally met most of them—they are very friendly and they want to help you!
Remember: the summer AOP program is very selective. You would not have been
chosen for the program if the directors did not believe that you would succeed.
They believe in your success and you should too J
The team cannot wait to meet all of you guys tomorrow!
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Last Day of Training - Angelique Santiago
Hello everyone! Today the team was very productive! I’m a Peer Tutor so I have been with all the tutors throughout the week. Training was a lot of fun but also a huge help! I feel that every time I've walked out of training I’m that much more excited and prepared to work with the incoming students. It’s super-hot though, so I hope ALL of the students bring BIG fans. We all can’t wait to see each and every one of them! I know that many people are coming here and might not like the fact that they need to do work over the summer. I promise that this summer is about more than work. It’s about growing, connecting with those around you, and getting ready to fill the shoes of a college student. I believe that all of the students can succeed! This entire staff is great and we all want the best for every student that is a part of this program. I won’t lie, it’s not going to be easy but as long as you put forth hard work, like each and every one of us did, you’ll be fine. Today was the last day of meetings and training! We are ready and so pumped to get the show on the road!
Bonding Time - Shanice Smellie
while in tutoring training, the team was able to act out scenarios that might
be encountered with different types of students. It was hard to come up with solutions
on the spot but it was fun and we learned what to do in case a certain situation
were to arise. Many of the AOP student staff have been through different life experiences and we were informed that we will be working with students from various
backgrounds that will offer unique and different perspectives. As a staff, we
are all excited to begin working and getting to know these students. As mentors
some of the most important things we can do are listen, be patient and be open
to the students.
Today was an amazing day with the team. It was great to see that even while going through our intensive training we were still able to have fun and share a laugh. As the days pass we are no longer just a team, we are become a family. We went for ice cream and had time to sit down, talk and get to know each other on a more personal level. We realized that we have so much in common and enjoy spending time with one another.
We are
so excited to greet all the students, we are literally screaming with joy and anticipation.
The staff is working hard trying to get up all the beautiful wall and bulletin
board decorations. So far they are looking great. There are color markers,
crayons, colors pencils, and construction paper all over the lounge floor and everyone
is having a fun time. We are counting down the days and cannot wait!
AOP Student Staff Training - Christina Alli
Tuesday marked the second exciting day of training. As
the weather changed, so did the spirits of the staff. After being introduced to
our roles, the AOP Summer Program became a reality. I personally am stoked! It
was only last year that a majority of the AOP student staff were pre-freshmen
students, nervous about what was to come in the four weeks ahead.
Now, the roles have
changed, and we are more than happy to assist in helping students grow and
transition into college like our peer mentors did for us. AOP is a family and
it’s about to get that much bigger. Preparations have started now. We are
racing the clock to ensure that the accommodations provided will not only feel
like home but will incorporate our mission statement while we strive for our
goals. :)
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