Saturday, July 5, 2014

Housekeeping and Getting Binders Ready! – Michelle Mundt

Today the team quickly organized over 140 binders and rooms, as well as decorated hallways, preparing them for the new students who come tomorrow. Just like Angelique Santiago, I am a Peer Tutor and I am super pumped to work with the incoming students! Specifically, I will be working with the INTD 170 students, but feel free to come to me with any questions or concerns. I know that some students may feel nervous or apprehensive about classes or just the simple fact of having to make new friends. I want you to know that this is perfectly normal—all of the Peer Tutors went through the same thing! Don’t worry. The Peer Tutors are here to help you in your classes and to adjust to college. If classes are giving you trouble, you have a plethora of available resources at your finger tips. For one thing, you could go to your Peer Tutor, during their office hours. Peer Tutors have already taken the class that you are taking and they know their material inside and out.  Another source would be your professor’s office hours. Professors can seem intimidating at first, however, I’ve personally met most of them—they are very friendly and they want to help you! Remember: the summer AOP program is very selective. You would not have been chosen for the program if the directors did not believe that you would succeed. They believe in your success and you should too J The team cannot wait to meet all of you guys tomorrow! 

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